Overall, this is a very fun game. When I first got it, I though that there were going to be something like 20 orbs/power ups, but there were not that much. Here are some ideas.
Frontal shield: whatever direction the arrow is facing, there will be a small shield that stays in front of it for a while.
Laser beam: like in TTL1, when you get the laser beam orb a laser charges up for a second and gets shot out.
Tear gas: when activated, gas will be spewed out in the trail which you move. If dots go into the gas they will be stunned for a second or so, and some might die.
Teleport: when collected, it will teleport you the farthest away it can from the dots. It can be useful to escape in sticky situations.
Missile: a projectile that quickly locates the largest area of dots and detonates itself there.
Thank you for reading this review, and TTL2 developers I hope you consider putting some of these into the game? Thank you!!!
Iaen about Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous